Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Thinking about Eternity - A Biblical Study of Eternal Matters

Your Eternal Reward: Triumph and Tears at the
Judgment Seat of Christ

There are misconceptions about the judgment seat (Bema) for believers, and what will happen when the Christian goes home to be with the Lord. This book helps to bring clarity. What the author writes may challenge a preconceived belief about what you might of thought your meeting with Christ would produce. Although Salvation is guaranteed for the believer who accepts Christ by faith Eph 2:8,9, but rewards will vary. Our deeds and motives will be examined. Lutzer writes: The purpose of our trials and temptations here is to train us for ruling with Christ. We will either be commended or we will have shame at His coming. 1 John 2:28 The key elements outstanding in this equation is Faithfulness and obedience to Christ. How we do here might determine our status in heaven for all eternity.

The Judgment seat will reveal the type of person we really are. Although there are similarities between the Bema and the White Throne judgment 2 Cor. 5:10 tells us all will appear at one or the other: “For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ so that each one may be recompensed for his deeds in the body according to what he has done, whether good or bad.” Lutzer lists several qualities Christ will be looking for: acceptance of injustice, Financial generosity, hospitality, spiritual disciplines, faithfulness in our vocation, loving the unlovable, doctrinal integrity, investment in people, watching for Christ return and acceptance of suffering. There is much encouragement for the Christian to stand firm in the faith.

A popular opinion you’ll hear Christians say; “Christ won’t be asking about your doctrine when you get to heaven”. Pastor Lutzer clarifies this with scripture by directing the reader to 2 John 1 and verse 8 where we are warned of deceivers and false teaching and it’s damaging spiritual affects that will bear on the outcome of a full-reward. Sound doctrine not only protects us from false teaching but will merit a more complete reward on the day of Judgment. This book is a good starting point of study.

Erwin W. Lutzer  has been Senior Pastor of Moody Church in Chicago for over 30 years and has written numerous books. He is also a featured speaker on Moody Network daily radio broadcast “Running to Win.” Running to win radio -  and is the author of many christian books.   It can be ordered at

Copyright © 1998
Publisher Moody Publishers
ISBN: 0802441920

Reading/Review date: July 2010