Friday, September 2, 2011

A Theological Look at Emergent and Emerging

Why We're Not Emergent
One of the benefits in reading this book was the authors took the time to quote large portions of this movement’s leaders such as (Rob Bell, Dan Kimball, Tony Jones, Spencer Burke, Brian McLaren, and several others) and their writings to fully explain what emergent/emerging is, in this way, it gives the reader a more balanced and fair look at the movement being critiqued by DeYoung and Kluck.

In laying out the problems theologically, DeYoung and Kluck make 3 excellent observations in Chapter 1 - Is God Knowable?: 1) the authors state that Emergents question whether we can have any real accurate knowledge about God to begin with. They write emergent leaders are allowing the immensity of God to be swallow up His knowability, and say; “The first problem with the emergent view of journey is that it undermines the know ability of God (pg 35)    2). “With the emergent view of journey is that it suffers from an confusion of categories,” and also makes the well observed point, that “Emerging leaders equate uncertainty with humility. (excellent refutation by the authors is made on this emergent/emerging position). (pg.39)   3). “the third problem with the emergent view of journey is that it establishes doubt as the essence of faith.” (pg.49) Both emerging and emergent seem to have a lack of confidence in the Scriptures.

Our foundation as protestants since the reformation has always been on the Bible being foundational, from which is built upon first Christ (1 Cor. 3:11, and the apostles and prophets writings from the Bible, the non-repeatable foundation of the apostles and prophets that have been preserved for all times in Scripture. (the Bible) is the foundation for truth for the church. (pg.82)  This is what every Christian should, and what devoted followers of Christ do stand firm on.
The authors do an in-depth observation at who and what the emergent and emerging leaders are writing on blogs and putting in print in order to understand the movement. (pg 23). They have identified who the main emergent leaders are, and those who’s voices are highlighted as bringing forth what aligns with (some) of the views in the emerging conversation. If you can get through some of the heavy reading and philosophical bickering, this book could offer some key insight on what the emergent and emerging church actually is, and why there are many problems with it theologically. Keep standing firm on the truth revealed in Scripture.

Copyright © 2008
Publisher - Moody Publisher
ISBN: 10: 0-8024-5834-3
Reading Review Date: January 2010