Tuesday, June 21, 2011

All of Grace

It is All of Grace

 All of Grace was a book rich with doctrinal truths that believers at any stage of their growth in Christ will appreciate.

Spurgeon always humbly directs the focus on God and His word and brings the reader greater understanding into the riches of God’s grace and the meaning of our Salvation in Christ.

Spurgeon makes it very clear that God’s mercy and grace is not earned, but given freely - Eph 2:8,9 The chapters dealing with Salvation and Faith are extremely helpful. The book is written in a devotional format, so it is suitable for bible studies, or for your personal devotional time with the Lord. This book is a classic and a must read.

Copyright © 2007
Publisher : Destiny Image 
ISBN: 0768425522
ISBN-13: 9780768425529

The book can be purchased at  Christianbook.com

Reading / Review Date: June 27, 2008

Driven Away by Purpose

An Examination Worth Reading

 This book is an examination of the purpose-driven life book, and also the 40 days of purpose and Rick Warren’s Peace Plan. The book also evaluates Richard Abanes 2005 book which was a defense of Rick Warren’s PDL church model, and it’s books and programs against it’s Critics. The Author of this book writes from his own experience of seeing the consequences of the Purpose-driven life movement within his own church in Singapore. Daniel Chew shows how the PDL teachings compromises the purity of doctrinal truth and in many cases is a False Gospel.

This Author takes a thorough examination of the PDL’s use of poor translations and in some cases mistranslations of the verses used in the Purpose-Driven Life book Warren uses to support points in his book. Evidence is given to show that Warren’s uses of Paraphrase Bible verses leads to a misunderstanding of the true intent of the verse and can distort a person’s understanding of Scripture. This book effectively shows that methods really can change the message and can be harmful.

One area that is most disturbing is PDL’s giving of the Gospel. Chew sites entries from the PDL book. The emphasis is on “Invitation” rather then a turning from and repentance of sin. The brokenness and godly sorrow that leads to Salvation (2 Cor. 7:10) is missing from repentance. PDL’s invitation is something less then the gospel requires. With this being the case the Author shows an example hypothetically of how a New Ager could still pray Warren’s prayer and still remain a New Ager.

One out of several important aspects the Author examines is: Warren’s denigration of doctrine and how his PDL church model elevates Unity above Truth. Daniel Chew quotes from the PDL book in making his points clear. He shows how there is an overemphasis on unity and relationships in promoting a protection of Warren’s Church model, and the purpose-driven life definition of “unity” is not the biblical definition of unity mentioned in the Bible. The PDL model of church does not allow disagreement centered on doctrine or discernment and leadership. In the PDL Church model - “Unity” becomes Militant and can be confrontational and truth is disregarded in the process. Compromise of the Faith becomes inevitable. We’ve read other books assessing the PDL movement, this book takes a much different approach showing the theological position within the purpose-driven movement.

Copyright © 2006 by Daniel HC Chew
Publisher: Xulon press
ISBN - 1-60034-618-9
Can be purchased at Amazon.com

Reading / Review Date: March 23, 2008

A compact useful bible reference book

 Find It Quick Handy Bible Encyclopedia

This is a helpful bible study tool we’ve found valuable. The writing is clear, useful and to the point. There are a few helpful charts and diagrams included. The book also includes cross references and highlight brief points at the top of entries that help will help aid you in your study of scripture. There is concise information on People, Places, and customs.

Ron Rhodes  is president of Reasoning from the Scriptures Ministries and is heard regularly on christian radio programs and is a speaker at conferences. He holds a Th.M and Th.D from Dallas Theological Seminary and has written many excellent christian books. Visit his website "Reasoning from the Scriptures"  to see additional books, articles  and for more information. http://www.ronrhodes.org/ 

Copyright © 2003 by Ron Rhodes
Publisher: Harvest House Publishing -  http://harvesthousepublishers.com/
ISBN - 0-7369-0559-6

Reading / Review Date: March 2008