Sunday, June 19, 2011

When Christians Roamed the Earth

Critical Issues examined biblically

Is the Bible-Believing Church headed for extinction? This is the question asked on the front cover. This book encourages the believer to hold fast to the authority of Scripture against the tide of opposition from critics on the biblical account of Genesis.

Topics covered in this book are: how evolution has been used in public schools to subvert belief in God and a biblical view of creation, documenting evolution’s racism origin, quoting from it’s founders, evidence for the flood, the role of evolution in our culture, evolution in religions like the new age and those who pioneered it’s spread, the impact of evolutionary thought on science and technology and more.

There is a whole chapter on documenting the Christian Church’s departure from it’s historical position on creationism and themes in Genesis, (good reading), which covers: original sin, the flood of Noah, and the dispersion of people/languages. Each chapter is written by a different author in their field of study.

Our ‘evolutionized-culture’ will determine our future if the Christian remains silent in their biblical beliefs. For those Christian critics of apologetics who think reasoning from the scriptures is a waste of time or usurping the Holy Spirit; Christians are commanded from scripture to have an answer for the hope that is in you - 1 Peter 3:15. We are told to be salt and light in this world and to defend the Faith. (Matt 5:13-15, Jude 3)

This book’s contributing authors are: Ken Ham, John Morris, Henry Morris, Carl Wieland, Jonathan Henry and Jack Cuozzo.  Website: 
Copyright © 2002 by Master Books, Inc.
ISBN - 0-89051-319-8

Reading / Review Date: March 2008