Saturday, September 17, 2011

Return to Your First Love

A Simple Christianity: Rediscover the Foundational
Principles of Our Faith
As Christians we are taught from scripture to stay in the race and stay faithful to Christ. Along the way we will fail just like some of the disciples did, but we are to repent, get up and finish the race in the pursuit of Christ. We are in a race and the road is upward. It begins on earth and ends in heaven where Christ is seated at the right hand of God (Col. 3:3) This book brings you back to the basics and the very foundation of the Christian faith.

This is a book about restoring a vibrant relationship with Christ. Rev. 2:5a says: “Therefore remember from where you have fallen, and repent and do the deeds you did at first;” MacArthur writes that many give up in the race. This book will give you the encouragement and strength to keep standing firm on the sound teaching in the Bible and gives godly counsel and wisdom and sound biblical doctrine.

Copyright © 2009
Publisher Gospel Light
ISBN 0830747540

Reading/Review date: September 2010

Friday, September 16, 2011

A helpful Resource on Spiritual Abuse

Subtle Power of Spiritual Abuse - Recognizing and Escaping Spiritual Manipulation and False Spiritual Authority Within the Church
Some churches uses their spiritual authority to control and dominate others. This book is a valuable work on the subject. The Authors do a good job at giving the marks of false spiritual leadership and their impact on an individual and/or a congregation. This is a good resource to have.

Spiritual abuse seems to be on the rise and more pervasive these days. Performance-based Christianity and legalism is often replacing the gift of Salvation in Christ and many are not experiencing the grace that is clearly taught in the Bible. Matt 23:13 the author notes that the ones being rejected from “enter in” are not rebellious God-rejecters, but are the ones that are responding to God---and go to church, but when they get there, “they come under a false-basis of authority, heavy weights of legalistic, load-carrying, and external performance,”…they get a form of godliness void of power 2 Tim. 3:5. The author also shows how scriptures on submission are taken out of context and twisted.

No one needs to be in a cult to suffer under spiritual abuse. If you are a new believer or a longtime Christian follower of Christ, remember that God’s Word the bible will encourage you to stand firm in the faith and not be put into bondage - Galatians 5:1 It was for freedom that Christ set us free; therefore keep standing firm and do not be subject again to a yoke of slavery. Jesus came to heal the brokenhearted and to bring peace and rest and hope for our souls in Him.  Recommended Read.

Copyright © 2005
Publisher Bethany House
ISBN: 0764201379

Reading/Review date: September 2010

Current Trends Examined

This Little Church Had None: A Church in Search of the Truth

 This is Pastor Gilley’s latest addition in a series of books he has written, that addresses the contemporary evangelical movements and is discerning their affects on the church and the individual Christian. The author has written extensively on the culture’s affect on the church. The content is broken up into 3 parts: 1. Obstacles to Truth, 2. Te way back, and part 3. Evangelism. Gilley makes another pleas in this book for a return to biblical preaching and a renewed confidence in the word of god. In the final chapter dealing with evangelism, co-author Jay Wegter outlines a series of questions and discussions that are designed to simplify worldviews, and then gives practical, biblical ways the bible can address them.

Copyright © 2009
Publisher Evangelical Press
ISBN 0852347081

Reading/Review date: July 2010

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Thinking about Eternity - A Biblical Study of Eternal Matters

Your Eternal Reward: Triumph and Tears at the
Judgment Seat of Christ

There are misconceptions about the judgment seat (Bema) for believers, and what will happen when the Christian goes home to be with the Lord. This book helps to bring clarity. What the author writes may challenge a preconceived belief about what you might of thought your meeting with Christ would produce. Although Salvation is guaranteed for the believer who accepts Christ by faith Eph 2:8,9, but rewards will vary. Our deeds and motives will be examined. Lutzer writes: The purpose of our trials and temptations here is to train us for ruling with Christ. We will either be commended or we will have shame at His coming. 1 John 2:28 The key elements outstanding in this equation is Faithfulness and obedience to Christ. How we do here might determine our status in heaven for all eternity.

The Judgment seat will reveal the type of person we really are. Although there are similarities between the Bema and the White Throne judgment 2 Cor. 5:10 tells us all will appear at one or the other: “For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ so that each one may be recompensed for his deeds in the body according to what he has done, whether good or bad.” Lutzer lists several qualities Christ will be looking for: acceptance of injustice, Financial generosity, hospitality, spiritual disciplines, faithfulness in our vocation, loving the unlovable, doctrinal integrity, investment in people, watching for Christ return and acceptance of suffering. There is much encouragement for the Christian to stand firm in the faith.

A popular opinion you’ll hear Christians say; “Christ won’t be asking about your doctrine when you get to heaven”. Pastor Lutzer clarifies this with scripture by directing the reader to 2 John 1 and verse 8 where we are warned of deceivers and false teaching and it’s damaging spiritual affects that will bear on the outcome of a full-reward. Sound doctrine not only protects us from false teaching but will merit a more complete reward on the day of Judgment. This book is a good starting point of study.

Erwin W. Lutzer  has been Senior Pastor of Moody Church in Chicago for over 30 years and has written numerous books. He is also a featured speaker on Moody Network daily radio broadcast “Running to Win.” Running to win radio -  and is the author of many christian books.   It can be ordered at

Copyright © 1998
Publisher Moody Publishers
ISBN: 0802441920

Reading/Review date: July 2010

Stand Firm in the Faith and have a Biblical Worldview

Grave Influence 21 Radicals and Their Worldviews that Rule America from the Grave

Brannon Howse begins by writing that Christians must stand firm for righteousness and says; “lies have been cleverly packaged in positive masking terms but behind them remains a destructive spiritual agenda.” The Christian must stand firm in the faith and proclaim the truths found in scripture.

The author’s passion is to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ and to teach a biblical worldview. He believes the church can be reclaimed even if the culture can’t. At this point most Christians seem to know that Socialism is ravaging our country but may not know how we got to this point and where and who these ideas originated from. This book is an examination of 21 dead radicals, and their ideas, values and worldviews, and the influence they continue to have. Brannon Howse writes: “If you’re ready for this spiritual battle you’ll stand a better chance of keeping the faith, proclaiming the truth, standing firm for your family and it’s convictions, and enduring till the end.”

Part of this spiritual battle is--being equipped with a strong biblical worldview, this is what the author sets out to equip the reader with in this book. We encourage pastors, laymen, Sunday school teachers and parents to get this book and share this valuable information to fortify your faith and a biblical worldview. This book can be ordered at worldview weekend  at the website.  

Brannon Howse is founder and president of Worldview Weekend Conference. Brannon is also the host of the radio talk show Worldview Matters and has served as the education reporter for the Michael Reagan Show for many years. He is the author of several books on Christian worldview issues.
Copyright © 2009
Publisher Worldview Weekend Publishing
ISBN 0-9785014-7-0

Reading/Review date: June 2010

The Grave Influence of Karl Marx Video link:
The Grave Influence of Saul Alinksy

Monday, September 12, 2011

A Book that Needs to be Read by Christians

When A Nation Forgets God - 7 Lessons We Must Learn
This is a timely book that addresses the concerns that are on the minds of many Christians today about the state our Country is in and where will we go from here. In the opening content of the book the Author states: “Back in the 1970’s Francis Schaeffer told us that one day we would wake up and discover that the America we once knew was gone.” that day is here. One does not have to be a prophet to see that dark days are coming to the United States. There are ominous signs that the freedoms we once assumed were ours are disappearing. Forces of secularism lead inevitably to a totalitarian state to which everyone is expected to submit.” (pg. 12)

Pastor Lutzer reminds us again of the precarious times in which we live by writing: “Francis Schaeffer used to tell us, people are willing to march down the wrong path if only they can be assured of personal peace and affluence. They willingly march forward, not asking where the path will lead.” (pg. 45, Chp. 2 subtitled: The Power of the economy)

This book is written to the believer and the church, we are not to react in an unbiblical way by what’s taking place in our nation, but what we are to be found doing is to be a creditable witness to the saving grace found in Christ. Lutzer says: “God is humbling us, that the political solutions that were suppose to rescue our nation from it’s moral and spiritual freefall have had scant effect. We are learning that the problem is deeper than we thought. In sum, we must realize that only God can save us from those trends that have already evoked His judgment. “ (From the introduction)

He writes that Nazi Germany has some lessons to teach us. The author writes that Nazism did not arise in a vacuum, that their were cultural streams that made it possible for the ideology to emerge, eventually gained wide acceptance by the popular culture of it’s time.

This book starts out very interesting, and ends in the same manner. Early on in the book, before even chapter 1 begins, Lutzer writes, “Today we face cultural pressures that are forcing us to combine Christ with other religions, or to combine Christ with a political or ideological agenda. The experience of the church Nazi Germany reminds us that Christ must always stand alone; He must be worshiped not as one who stands alongside the governmental leaders of this world, but as standing above them as King of Kings and Lord of Lords.” (pg 11) We must stand firm in our faith on the truths in the Bible in the midst of this gathering storm.

Erwin Lutzer reminds the reader: “that before Hitler moved to destroy the church, he decided to go make peace with it, and use it for his own ends.” (Chp. 1 pg. 18) The author goes on to give a brief history of the church and the people in these events and gives the reasons for why they conceded to do what they did.

Erwin Lutzer gives “Seven Lessons” in this book we can learn from
1. When God is separated from Government, Judgment folows
2. It’s always the economy
3. That which is legal might also be evil
4. Propaganda can change a Nation
5. Parents - not the State - are responsible for a child’s training
6. Ordinary heroes can make a difference
7. We must exalt the cross in the gathering darkness

In the final chapter titled: When a Nation forgets God - “We must exalt the cross in the gathering darkness”, what the Author writes is so amazingly accurate that it is worth quoting: “Here in America we have what many believe is a new phenomenon in the history of the church. In previous eras we have seen the gospel neglected or even mocked by religious liberals and nominal Christians - that is to be expected. What is different today is that the message of the Cross is being ignored even by those who claim to be saved by it’s message. At the very time when the gospel must be proclaimed most clearly, we are hearing muffled voices even from some of the great evangelical pulpits of our land. Christian books flood our markets that have little to do with the heart of the Christian message.” (pg. 136-137).

Pastor Erwin Lutzer is Senior Pastor of Moody Church in Chicago and is the Author of many books. This book is a MUST READ, and you will not put it down until you’ve finished it. I’m surprised this book isn’t in the top 10 Christian books. It is not a lengthy book, we found it to be a quick read and thought-provoking.

Copyright © 2010
Publisher Moody Press
ISBN 0802446566
Reading/Review date: April 2010

When a Nation Forgets God


Stand Firm on the Essential Doctrines

 An Excellent Resource 
This colorful, eye-friendly, brief, but excellent summary of Christian doctrine pamphlet is beautifully done. 

16 points of Essentials are given and explained in concise form.

Other points of interest include: The Essential Doctrines in the Creeds, and a glossary of terms listing some of the words used throughout the writing are included with condensed definitions.
Topics covered in this pamphlet include:
God's Unity---There is only one God.
God's Tri-unity---One God in three Persons
Christ's Virgin Birth
Human Depravity---No one can win God's favor by their own efforts
Christ's Sinlessness
Christ's Deity
Christ's Humanity
Necessity of God's Grace
Necessity of Faith
Christ's Atoning Death
Christ's Bodily Resurrection
Christ's Bodily Ascension
Christ's Intercession
Christ's Second Coming
Inspiration of Scriptures

There is also a helpful chart on how other Religious groups treat these Essentials. A great little fold-out that is done on glossy paper for durability. It is a handy resource to have or to give away.

Copyright © 2007
Publisher Rose Publishing
ISBN 1596361433

Read/Review date: April 2010

Sunday, September 11, 2011


 An Inspiring story of Courage and Faith
Could not put this book down till I had finished it. You’ll feel as though you are right there with Lisa Jefferson as she goes through her experience. It was an incredible story of Heroism and courage that will inspire and fortify your faith. The impact of what a few minutes can have on a life is seldom reflected on so well as how Lisa Jefferson recounts in her dramatic story from Sept 11, 2001 as she took a call from one of the passengers aboard flight 93, and tells it with such compassion and details of how this event had forever changed her life. She relies on her relationship with God to get her through the tough and unknown terrain she was plunged into.

Lisa’s recounting of her experience brings out some very foundational lessons of faith and trust in God and it’s lessons are applicable for anyone facing those difficult seasons in life. How well will we act on those crisis moments in our lives? How has God prepared us so uniquely just for a certain task to handle those unexpected crisis moments? She says that each life experience, bitter or sweet, is a part of our training and preparation for the future. God may need you to intervene in a situation that will require your specific skill or experience. There are no ordinary people. Lisa stands firm in her faith and trust God through the difficult situation and encourages her readers to do the same in their own lives.

Copyright © 2006
Publisher Northfield publishing
ISBN 13: 978-1-881273-75-2

Read/Reviewed date: July 5, 2010

Thursday, September 8, 2011

America's Firm Foundation was established on Biblical Principles

The Book That Made American - How the Bible Formed Our Nation
We can not state strongly enough what important reading this book is in order to be informed as to the history of our Country and the role the Bible had made in the lives of the Founding Fathers of our country in their decision-making and in forming our political process and Freedoms and how the Bible shaped our Country, The Constitution, The Bill of Rights, and the Declaration of Independence.

This book also documents who were the Founding Fathers of our country and their backgrounds, who formed these documents, and why all of this is important for America’s future. What is impressive about the book is it’s documentation and inclusion of speeches and events that are not always widely known but nevertheless factual events in the forming of our Country’s history and it’s political process.

Many people these days are asking important questions about what’s going on in the changes that we are seeing. Many are seeing that we are at a critical time in our Nation’s history. The author of this book sees it’s vital importance that every citizen understands what our constitution says and how God’s Sovereignty is what preserve us as the nation we are and if we forget this the consequences that may come will be as the same as other nations that did n ot acknowledge God. This book clearly lays a strong foundation of America’s past historical Christian roots and virtues that have made our country great and why we must stand firm in the faith on the biblical principles which formed our country and it’s freedoms. Some chapter also includes pictures that help illustrate important points.

Copyright © 2009
Publisher Nordskog publishing
ISBN: 978-0-9824929-0-1
Read/Reviewed : April 2010

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

A Shepherd Looks at Psalm 23

A modern-day Shepherd proclaims the riches of Psalms 23

Author Phillip Keller having been a Shepherd of sheep, applies his experience and knowledge to interpreting the depths of meaning in his writing on the 23rd psalm, sharing his insight on the care, management and giving the character of sheep. He writes that Christians are much like sheep. 

The author shows the parallels and similarities we face as believers, the struggles we have with the adversary, vulnerability, challenges and problems that come are similar to what he witnessed in the life and management of sheep. He writes in great detail about his own years shepherding his flock. The good Shepherd looks after his flock, protects, provides and sustains, such is our Lord Jesus Christ. Each verse from the psalm is divided into chapters. This book will bless you and strengthen your faith.

Copyright © 1970/2007
Publisher - Zondervan
ISBN: 13: 978-0-310-27443-8

Read/Reviewed: January 2010

Feelings and Faith

Having had the opportunity to hear the Author and Pastor of this book preach, we looked forward to reading the book. The candor and openness in which the author writes of his own experiences, allowed my emotions to surface and I could easily evaluate and examine my own in light of scripture. The book is very relatable, stretching and urging a response on the reader from the pages in those areas where thinking or feelings need correcting.

As a biblical Christian there is a responsibility to be diligent in theology and doctrine, and it was helpful teaching to have biblical examples of how properly to look at our human emotions and how this relates in our relationship to God. The portions of the book we fond most helpful were on biblical authority, God’s truth, forgiveness and anxiety and worry. This is a comprehensive book and there is much to learn, so it will be read more then once. Thank you Pilgrim Radio for reading this book on the air.

With this said, one thing worth mentioning: A lot of people tend to come into faith with their feelings and emotions strongly guiding them, and doctrine and theology is usually relegated as a secondary concern, if it’s a concern at all. In the last pages of this book’s chapter on pg. 206, the author states “For some reason many evangelicals have become suspicious of the emotions and generally discount them.” I would just say, that it seems it is not emotions that many evangelicals are suspicious of, but ‘emotionalism’ which completely sets aside the practice of doctrine and biblical instruction from scripture for proper worship of God and living the Christian life, but it was not missed what was written in Chap. 4 the author does teach that we are to use our emotions as God intends, Gal. 5:23, in a biblical manner, sober minded, reasonable, and sensible and exercising good judgment. Rom. 12:3; 1 Peter 4:7; 2 Tim. 2:12. Thank you for writing on this important topic.

Copyright © 2009 Brain S. Borgman
Publisher - Crossway
ISBN: 13: 978-1-4335-0363-4
Reading/Reviewed: March 6, 2010

A Different Gospel

The ''name it, claim it'' theology of the Word Faith Movement is presented as biblical---but is it? In this compelling book,

McConnell documents the historical link between faith theology and New Thought metaphysics.

He then analyzes faith theology's doctrines of healing and prosperity as well as its understanding of the atonement of Christ to show how they deviate from biblical teaching.

Copyright 1988/1995
Publisher:  Hendrickson Publishers
ISBN: 1565631323

Read/Reviewed: 4/2001

Where was the Church of Christ?

Product Description: “The monstrosity of Adolph Hitler's "Third Reich" remains a stunning chapter in the pages of history.

Although the power by which he hypnotized an entire nation is legendary, one question in particular begs an answer: Where was the church of Christ? Seduced by the Satanic majesty of The Fuhrer, church leaders throughout Germany allowed the Swastika a prominent place alongside the Christian cross in their sanctuaries. Nationalistic pride replaced the call of God to purity, and with few exceptions the German church looked away while Adolph Hitler implemented his "Final Solution" to his Jewish problem.

Erwin W. Lutzer examines the lessons that may be learned from studying the deception of the church: the dangers of confusing church and state, how the church lost its focus, the role of God in human tragedy, the parameters of Satan's freedom, the truth behind Hitler's hatred of the Jews, the faithfulness of God to His people who suffer for Him, comparisons between Hitler's rise and the coming reign of the Antichrist, and America's hidden cross -- her dangerous trends.

This book is the story of a nation whose church forgot its primary call and discovered its failure too late.”

Erwin W. Lutzer has been Senior Pastor of Moody Church in Chicago for over 30 years and has written numerous books. He is also a featured speaker on Moody Network daily radio broadcast “Running to Win.”  Running to win radio - and is the author of many Christian books.

Copyright © 1998
Publisher Moody Publishers
ISBN: 0802435831
ISBN-13: 9780802435835


Read/Reviewed: Oct. 1999
Can be purchased at

Friday, September 2, 2011

A Theological Look at Emergent and Emerging

Why We're Not Emergent
One of the benefits in reading this book was the authors took the time to quote large portions of this movement’s leaders such as (Rob Bell, Dan Kimball, Tony Jones, Spencer Burke, Brian McLaren, and several others) and their writings to fully explain what emergent/emerging is, in this way, it gives the reader a more balanced and fair look at the movement being critiqued by DeYoung and Kluck.

In laying out the problems theologically, DeYoung and Kluck make 3 excellent observations in Chapter 1 - Is God Knowable?: 1) the authors state that Emergents question whether we can have any real accurate knowledge about God to begin with. They write emergent leaders are allowing the immensity of God to be swallow up His knowability, and say; “The first problem with the emergent view of journey is that it undermines the know ability of God (pg 35)    2). “With the emergent view of journey is that it suffers from an confusion of categories,” and also makes the well observed point, that “Emerging leaders equate uncertainty with humility. (excellent refutation by the authors is made on this emergent/emerging position). (pg.39)   3). “the third problem with the emergent view of journey is that it establishes doubt as the essence of faith.” (pg.49) Both emerging and emergent seem to have a lack of confidence in the Scriptures.

Our foundation as protestants since the reformation has always been on the Bible being foundational, from which is built upon first Christ (1 Cor. 3:11, and the apostles and prophets writings from the Bible, the non-repeatable foundation of the apostles and prophets that have been preserved for all times in Scripture. (the Bible) is the foundation for truth for the church. (pg.82)  This is what every Christian should, and what devoted followers of Christ do stand firm on.
The authors do an in-depth observation at who and what the emergent and emerging leaders are writing on blogs and putting in print in order to understand the movement. (pg 23). They have identified who the main emergent leaders are, and those who’s voices are highlighted as bringing forth what aligns with (some) of the views in the emerging conversation. If you can get through some of the heavy reading and philosophical bickering, this book could offer some key insight on what the emergent and emerging church actually is, and why there are many problems with it theologically. Keep standing firm on the truth revealed in Scripture.

Copyright © 2008
Publisher - Moody Publisher
ISBN: 10: 0-8024-5834-3
Reading Review Date: January 2010