Wednesday, June 22, 2011

A well-written testimony from Mormonism to Christ

Out of Mormonism : A Woman’s True Story - Judy Robertson
This was a very moving account of how a husband and wife get drawn into the Mormon Church. They find work with a nice couple and were attracted to their friend’s strong family values and the orderly manner of their lives appealed to them. They are introduced by their friends to the LDS Church. Once in the church, they were kept busy serving. Judy starts to reflect on contradictions she sees and starts to notice what she was experiencing in Mormonism was not about devotion to Jesus Christ, but was instead about devotion to the LDS church and it’s rituals, lessons and doctrines, etc. they began to see cracks in the foundations of Mormonism. They started to see LDS teaching a religion that requires works for salvation.

Each red flag in their mind they suppressed, while they saw what looked to be perfect people living perfect lives. But as their involvement progressed, they learn of the hidden stresses with those leaders who taught them and how they were trying to cope and living up to the impossible standards setup by the Mormon Church. The exclusive doctrines of LDS were starting to trouble Judy and her husband, as she and her husband were not finding what they were being taught in the bible. Once they seen God’s grace written about in the scriptures, that Salvation is not earned it is the gift of God Eph 2:8,9, what had been blinding them, now the Word of God reveal in the Bible brought them freedom and forgiveness for sin.

Judy recounts key insights of how she was introduced into the LDS church that gives the reader an illuminating look into Mormonism. The book is so well-written that it was hard to put down.

Copyright © 1997, 2001 by Judy Robertson
Published by: Bethany House
ISBN - 0-7642-2604-5

Reading / Review Date:  August 2008