Wednesday, June 8, 2011

A Good Biblical Defense

The Truth Behind Ghosts, Medium’s & Psychic Phenomena - Ron Rhodes
 In this excellent book by author Ron Rhodes, he gives an exceptional biblical refutation and defense and gives biblical reasons why Christians and non-Christians alike should be highly discerning of what Psychics are promoting and teaching people to believe from their books and TV appearances.

A few of the questions addressed in this book are: Do ghosts in any shape or form exist?  Why is there a rise in psychic phenomena today?  What do psychics believe about God, Jesus, and salvation?  What is Satan’s role with the paranormal? How can parents protect their family from the psychic trend? These questions and more are answered.

The Occult and psychic phenomena have always been forbidden from the Bible, (Deut. 18:10-13), yet today we are seeing an absolute acceleration of interest in psychics, ghosts, the supernatural, and the Paranormal.  In the author’s observation of these trends Rhodes refers to “The 1960’s brought a massive invasion of Eastern Philosophy into the West…this openness to Eastern Religions was largely a reaction against traditional western values,”
What Psychics are promoting, Ron Rhodes warns, is ‘Another Gospel’ and is not in accord to the teachings in Scripture. In the book a few popular Psyichics are featured. You may have seen these Psychic’s books in Christian book sections of popular bookstores and other retailers, that is because some psychics say they are Christian, but what they believe is far from Christian theology and what is taught in the Bible. 

 Ron Rhodes is president of Reasoning from the Scriptures Ministries, and is heard on nationwide radio. He is well-known as a writer and researcher of Christian articles and travels extensively as a  Conference Speaker and Lecturer and is the author of many Christian books.  He holds a Th.M. and Th.D degree from Dallas Theological Seminary. Ron Rhodes is well known for his work in Apologetic Ministry. Visit  - Reasoning from the Scriptures Ministry website at:

Copyright © 2006
Published by Harvest House Publishers -  
Author: Ron Rhodes
ISBN: 13: 978-0-7369-1907-4
Can be order from:

Review Date: February 2007