Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Encyclopedia of New Age Beliefs

A helpful resources on New Age Beliefs
 This is one of the most helpful and resourceful discernment books on New Age beliefs . The book gives comprehensive research on the New Age movement and it’s teachers and practices, and yet provides charts with brief descriptions and quick facts. Topics are easy to find at a glance. The content of the book is impressive and is well-researched.

There are charts at the end of most chapters that compare New Age beliefs and practices with Christianity which helps the reader to distinguish the differences. The book has been an extremely helpful resource for the times in which we live since new age practices have made there way into the Christian Church.

Thank you to the Authors John Ankerberg & John Weldon, who have produced this laborious work to help assist Christians. Visit the Ankerberg Theological Research Institute  
John Ankerberg is host of the nationally televised program “The John Ankerberg Show”. He holds advanced degrees in theology and philosophy including two master degrees and a doctorate.

John Weldon has authored and coauthored numerous books dealing with contemporary issues. He has three master’s degrees and two doctorates, one each in comparative religion and contemporary religious movements.

Copyright © 1996 by  Harvest House Publishers
Authors: John Ankerberg and John Weldon by
ISBN: 1-56507-160-3 

Reading / Review Date:  December 2007