Monday, June 20, 2011

Can a Christian have a demon?

Dilemma Over Demons DVD

This is one of the best dvds exposing the new unbiblical teachings on demonism of christians that has been popularized in the Christian Church today. These teachings regarding spiritual warfare and generational curses are being accepted by undiscerning Christians through ‘deliverance ministries’, and by some Christian counseling. Lorri MacGregor has researched well the biblical issues and errors from those who promote these teachings, and gives biblical answers why the Christian should not be duped into believing these distortions and errors.

The DVD shows how these extreme teachings come through a distinct theology and movements such as Kingdom Now, Dominion theology, Joel’s Army and other similar teachings where a Christian plays a dominant role over demons as well as playing a dominant role over the Christians they minister to. The DVD shows clearly how these error are promoted because of a poor biblical understanding of the verses they use.

Personal responsibility for sin is avoided and blame is put on the person’s past. But, the Bible does not support generational curses for Christians. Religious pride is also a factor with those promoting these unbiblical concepts. The DVD also shows a word study on some of the verses used by those who are involved and promoting these teachings, and will help assist you in your own personal study. The MacGregor’s have been serving the body of Christ since 1979 and have produced several excellent videos/dvd’s. Visit their website for more information. MM Outreach website

You can purchase this DVD from the product page website and see a short presentation of the DVD here:   

Copyright © 2004
MM Outreach
Keith and Lorri MacGregor
Reviewed: March 2008