Francis Schaeffer’s most classic work is a call to the Evangelical church of it’s need to remain biblical, and is just as important reading for the Christian today as it was when the book was first published in 1984. Schaeffer’s message is that with the Reformation many came to Christ with the absolutes based on biblical form found in the bible, and it became widely known and great freedom came out of that. But in the early part of the 20th century - that Freedom became Autonomous, self-directed, and self-governing, and over time biblical form and the Christian consensus lacked constraint.
In explaining the moral breakdown of our times, Francis Schaeffer says this; “The titanic freedoms which we once enjoyed have been cut loose from their Christian restraints and are becoming a force of destruction leading to chaos. And when this happens, there really are very few alternatives. All morality becomes relative, law becomes arbitrary, and society moves towards disintegration. In personal and social life, compassion is swallowed up by self-interest…“When the memory of the Christian consensus which gave us freedom within the biblical form is increasingly forgotten, a manipulating authoritarianism will tend to fill the vacuum. At this point the words ‘right’ and ‘left’ will make little difference. They are only two roads to the same end, the results are the same. An elite, authoritarianism as such, will gradually force form on society so that it will not go into chaos-and most people would accept it.” (pg 23)
The distinctly Christian position of Knowledge, moral and spiritual truths of God’s word were being compromised in the church, and accommodation to the world’s thinking gave way to the spirit of the age, as liberal theology entered the Church, while notable scholars such as J. Gresham Machen who stood firm in the battle for biblical truth and biblical inerrancy were being silenced and driven out. It comes down to this; are we obeying the scriptures? Because this is the real test of our faith and lives in Christ and rather we believe the bible. This is not just a theological debate, but practical and obedient living.
Schaeffer reminds us again that “the whole world is under the control of the evil one” 1 John 5:13), and that Christians seem to have forgotten this, and spend little time considering this in relation to our daily lives in this world and how this relates to the culture’s effect on our church teaching and doctrine and urges the reader to stand firm on God’s Word and not succumb to the temptation of compromise and accommodation of worldly thinking.
Dr. Francis A. Schaeffer is widely recognized as one of the most influential Christian thinkers of our day. He wrote over 23 books which were translated into 25 languages and have sold over 3 million copies. Schaeffer’s most influential books include: A Christian Manifesto, The God Who Is There, Escape from Reason, He Is There and He Is Not Silent, and Whatever happened to the Human Race? Dr. Schaeffer and his wife Edith founded L’Abri Fellowship, an international study center and Christian community with branches in Switzerland, England, the Netherlands, Sweden, France, and the United States. He lectured frequently at leading universities in the U.S. and abroad. His common theme is the uncompromising truth of historic, biblical Christianity and its relevance for all of life.
Copyright © 1984 Francis A. Schaeffer
Publisher: Crossway Books & BiblesISBN: 0891073086
ISBN-13: 9780891073086
Reading / Review Date: February 20, 2009
Video: Francis A. Schaeffer - A Christian Manifesto